What times is livechat available?

We offer chat services from 09:00-23:00 7 days a week. This is very valuable for companies that generate a lot of traffic outside office hours. This way, more website visitors get the opportunity to chat, and so the chat gets more opportunity to show its strength. On average, 37.5% of the chats in our customer base are outside office hours. It is therefore not only a great added value to help a large number of website visitors in the evening and at weekends. But at the same time, there is also a high risk of chatting only during office hours, as many potential customers can be missed. The expectations of website visitors also play a role in this respect. It is also expected nowadays that a chat outside office hours is available. Companies that staff the chat themselves can run into such a problem.

Do you want to get more out of the future of your company?

Livechat on your website or your emails helps potential
customers to convert to buying ones.